Founded in 2017 by Barbara Malengreaux, MaGnetik is a Public Relations & Communication agency that offers brands and companies a real added value and support for their projects in a flexible and creative way. Barbara has been working with Auxipress for more than 15 years now. She talks about the benefits of this collaboration in her daily work.
As a PR agency, Barbara must be able to deliver reportings to her clients very quickly after a campaign has ended. This has to be relevant in terms of impact and valorisation:. reach, audiences, editorial value are the KPIs clients are looking for. “This is the key point for us» according to Barbara.
What helps Barbara highlight the added value of her PR campaigns to her clients is a global monitoring campaign combined with the flexibility of the Auxipress’ team. “Having all media in all-in-one solution is a massive timesaver”.
“There are so many different platforms today that I particularly value receiving everything directly from Auxipress, knowing it will be relevant and exhaustive.”
The data received from Auxipress allows the agency to build a strong reporting for the client, with relevant KPIs that will highlight the value of the campaign. This will also allow the client to use it and share it internally.
Added Value
This collaboration with Auxipress allows MaGnetik to deliver a report within 24 hours of the end of the campaign. “Reactivity is key in our business” tells Barbara. Those reports are of high-quality and highlight the client’s campaigns in the eye of its stakeholders, which is very beneficial for the agency! Having a trustworthy partner who is aware of the current top trends and forward-looking goes beyond the simple role of a supplier. This is another key point for Barbara, with whom we will be happy to continue working for the next 15 years.