Success Story : Eubelius

Success Story : Eubelius


Eubelius is the largest independent law firm in Belgium. They offer advice and representation in Belgian and European law. Eubelius has a very large clientele and was looking for a partner able to help it in the follow-up of the press. The aim is to keep abreast of what is being said in the media, but also to feed their own communication and internal reports. We interviewed Mehdi van der Haegen, Marketing Manager at Eubelius.


Auxipress delivers daily press clippings to Eubelius. These are mainly viewed on our uniq online platform due to the ease of use of this tool.

Eubelius also uses our services for its own external communication. Thanks to Auxipress, all items are at your fingertips. They can decide what and when to post on their social networks.

Mr. van der Haegen shared with us an anecdote highlighting one of the significant advantages of working with Auxipress. One day, Mr. van der Haegen urgently needed an article for the management. He could not find him by himself and decided to contact his contact person at Auxipress. “I sent my request at 7am. At 7:05 I had my article in my emails and at 7:10 it was already on the management’s desk. »

Added Value

For a company like Eubelius, it is essential to be aware of what is being said in the media about the company, but also sometimes about its clients or ongoing business. Just like Auxipress, they like to be able to react quickly.

Fast delivery, high availability and friendliness towards customers, quick response to questions, punctuality and correct information are the advantages that a partner like Auxipress must have according to Mehdi van der Haegen. It is the professionalism of Auxipress that has made Mr. van der Haegen a loyal customer for over 12 years.

Customized Solutions





Mehdi van der Haegen
"I could have changed providers more than a dozen times already, but thanks to your professionalism, friendliness and sympathy, I want to be able to keep this faithful relationship as long as possible."

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