Media Intelligence explained in 3 rock anthems

Media Intelligence explained in 3 rock anthems

When you are passionate about something, you see applications, references and parallels everywhere, including in your playlist.

The link between music and a successful business is that they are both built on passion. And when you are passionate about something, you see applications, references and parallels everywhere, including in your playlist. So in short, here are three rock anthems that are particularly suitable to explain how we at Auximedia look at our core business, media intelligence.

  • I want it all, and I want it now – Queen

Generation Z is sometimes referred to as the demographic that wants it all, right now. But let’s face it, we are all used to having the world at our fingertips, because we are almost always online. That applies to media as well. The choice of channels is overwhelming, online and offline, and they are constantly evolving and interacting with each other. What you hear and see on the seven o’clock news will be in tomorrow’s paper. Readers will comment in the papers’ forums, and Facebook and Twitter will amplify the public sentiment. Staying on top of all the media is very time-consuming, and it is important to keep them all on your radar, 24/7.

  • So what’cha want? – Beastie Boys

Once you have secured access to all this media data, you should define what it is exactly you want from it, and how you can filter out what is irrelevant. What are the topics and the trends you wish to monitor? How much noise is in your data? How is your brand perceived? What are the conversations you want to weigh in on? Do you want to be one step ahead in case a crisis hits? Or measure your success containing it? Metrics alone are not enough. Clearly defined goals and a thorough analysis of your needs are key to distilling clear media intelligence from the sheer mass of data that is available.

  • Anything you want, you got it – Roy Orbison

Many goals are imaginable, and many insights can be discovered when one analyses media data. But the ultimate question is: now that you have the knowledge, what will you do with it? Will you market your product differently? Redefine your audiences? Rethink the positioning of your brand? Learn from your competitors? Perhaps you should launch a PR campaign to repair your reputation? It is always possible that you have been doing all the right things all along. In that case, you can carry on as you were. But at least your intuition will be backed up by data, as any of these actions can be supported or questioned by high-quality media intelligence.

Élevons votre marque.
Travaillons ensemble.
